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Here are some examples of unanswered questions about space:

-- Where does space begin ?

-- Where does space end ?

-- Where is the middle-point of space ?

-- What is the volume of space ?

-- How much does space weigh ?

-- What is the color of space ?

-- What is the shape of space ?

-- What size is space ?

-- How much does space weigh ?

-- Can you compress space into a smaller space ?

-- What are the dimensions of space ?

-- Does space have a smell ?

-- On your way to the moon, can you fill up a jar of space and bring it home ?

-- Is space moving ?

-- Are all parts of space moving in the same direction, or at the same speed ?

-- What does space look like if there's nothing in it ?

-- Can you measure space ?

-- Can you carry some space from one place to another ?

-- When a solid object comes along and displaces some space,

where does the displaced space go ?

-- We know that waves of things like electromagnetic and maybe gravity

can move THROUGH space. Does space by itself have waves in it ?

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15y ago

A great many questions about the solar system remain unanswered.

It is in the nature of scientific exploration that every answer seems to bring up three more questions.

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How do you answer questions on answerscom without waiting for people to ask a question?

Don't worry, we've got plenty of unaswered questions for you to answer! You can answer any unanswered questions in a category. Go to the category page and click on "Unanswered questions", and you'll get the entire list of unanswered questions in that category.

Has any human left the solar system?

No, nobody has ever left the solar system.

Are there any stars ahead of your solar system?

Yes. There are no stars in the Solar System besides the Sun but there are over billions of stars out of our Solar System.

In what solar system do the planets travel around the sun?

In any solar system; that's what planets do.

How far is our solar system from the Milky Way?

It is not any distance from it. Our solar system is in the Milky Way.

Are there any satellites studying any of the black holes in the solar system?

They would - if there was a black hole in our Solar System - but there isn't one.

Is Capella a solar system?

Capella is a star, so it is not itself a solar system. Our sun is not a solar system, but it is part of the solar system along with the planets, moons, comets, asteroids and other objects. If Capella has any of those things, then it is part of a solar system.

Are there stars between the moon and your solar system?

No. The moon is in the solar system. The only star in the solar system is the sun. All other stars are much farther away than any object in the solar system.

Neptune's winds are the what in the solar system?

Neptune has the strongest sustained winds of any planet in the Solar System

What is the 2nd galaxy in the solar system?

There are no galaxies in our, or any other, solar system. They are far too large.

The solar system is in what other system?

The solar system is not part of any other star system. It is part of a galaxy called Milky Way.

Is Pluto really clarified to be a member of the solar system?

Pluto is a member of the solar system because any object in the solar system is a member of the solar system. However, if you were asking if Pluto is a planet in the solar system then the answer is no. Pluto used to be a planet but is now considered a dwarf planet.