

Best Answer

Venus 0.007

Neptune 0.011

Earth 0.017

Uranus 0.046

Jupiter 0.049

Saturn 0.057

Mars 0.094

Mercury 0.205

(Pluto 0.244)

The orbital eccentricity of an astronomical body is the amount by which its orbit deviates from a perfect circle, where 0 is perfectly circular, and 1.0 is a parabola, and no longer a closed orbit.

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12y ago
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14y ago

Venus, Neptune, Earth, Uranus, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Mercury

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11y ago

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto

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11y ago

Venus 0.007

Neptune 0.009

Earth 0.017

Uranus 0.047

Jupiter 0.048

Saturn 0.056

Mars 0.093

Mercury 0.206

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11y ago

Saturn, neptune, pluto, uranus have greater eccentricity

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6y ago

In terms of orbital eccentricities (least to most) they are: Venus, Neptune, Earth, Uranus, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and Mercury.

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Q: List the planets in order of the increasing eccentricity of their orbits?
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Planet with the least circular orbit?

The eccentricity value measures how non-circular an orbit is. The planets in decreasing order of eccentricity with their approximate eccentricity values are: # Pluto: 0.25 # Mercury: 0.21 # Mars: 0.093 # Saturn: 0.056 # Jupiter: 0.048 # Uranus: 0.047 # Earth: 0.017 # Neptune: 0.0086 # Venus: 0.0068

What is the path that planets follow around the Sun called?

The path is called the orbit. There are 8 planets (excluding Pluto and the other dwarf planets) with separate paths at various unique distances from the Sun.The planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune (in order of increasing distance from the Sun).The path that a planet takes while traveling around the sun is called its orbit. Mercury has the fastest orbit, at 88 days. Neptune has the longest orbit, at 165 years.

What are the 8 planets in order of increasing distance from the sun?

MVEMJSUN My very excellent mother just served us nine (pizzas).

What is the order of the planets by who is largest?

Putting the planets in order by size is:JupiterSaturnNeptuneUranusEarthVenusMarsMercury

Do we have 11 planets in the solar system?

Technically yes. If you list ALL 13 known planets in order, including dwarf planets, they are:1. Mercury2. Venus3. Earth4. Mars5. Ceres6. Jupiter7. Saturn8. Uranus9. Neptune10. Pluto11. Haumea12. Makemake13. ErisDwarf planets also fall under the category of minor planets, of which there are thousands in our solar system. As of 2017, the orbits of 734,274 minor planets were archived at the Minor Planet Center, 496,815 of which had received permanent numbers. The largest minor planet that is not considered to be a dwarf planet is Sedna.

Related questions

How does the eccentricity of earth compare to other planets?

Earth has an average eccentricity in its orbit of 0.0167. This compares with 0.0068 for Venus and 0.205 for Mercury, which are the minimum and maximum eccentricities in the eight planets. So, the Earth's orbit is not too far from circular. In order of increasing eccentricity, the list of planets is: Venus Neptune Earth Uranus Jupiter Saturn Mars Mercury.

What is the order of the planets of increasing distance from the sun?


Planet with the least circular orbit?

The eccentricity value measures how non-circular an orbit is. The planets in decreasing order of eccentricity with their approximate eccentricity values are: # Pluto: 0.25 # Mercury: 0.21 # Mars: 0.093 # Saturn: 0.056 # Jupiter: 0.048 # Uranus: 0.047 # Earth: 0.017 # Neptune: 0.0086 # Venus: 0.0068

Which two planet have orbits that at time cross one another making them switch their order from the sun?

No planets fulfill that criteria.

Why are some planets near the sun and some others far from the sun?

Near (in order from closest to farthest): Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars Far (same order as before): Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Why? I suppose that's just how things worked out when the planets formed from the "protoplanetary disk". The planets have to be spaced apart enough to form stable orbits. Otherwise their mutual gravitational attraction could disrupt their orbits.

What is the order of all the planets in our solar system?

As of 2017, it depends on whether you count major planets only, or all planets.The 8 major known planets in order from the Sun are:MercuryVenusEarthMarsJupiterSaturnUranusNeptuneIf you list ALL 13 known planets in order, including dwarf planets, they are:MercuryVenusEarthMarsCeresJupiterSaturnUranusNeptunePlutoHaumeaMakemakeErisDwarf planets also fall under the category of minor planets, of which there are thousands in our solar system. As of 2017, the orbits of 734,274 minor planets were archived at the Minor Planet Center, 496,815 of which had received permanent numbers. The largest minor planet that is not considered to be a dwarf planet is Sedna.

What is the path that planets follow around the Sun called?

The path is called the orbit. There are 8 planets (excluding Pluto and the other dwarf planets) with separate paths at various unique distances from the Sun.The planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune (in order of increasing distance from the Sun).The path that a planet takes while traveling around the sun is called its orbit. Mercury has the fastest orbit, at 88 days. Neptune has the longest orbit, at 165 years.

What order is the inner planets according to increasing distance from the sun?

Mercury venus earth mars jupiter saturn uranus neptune

What are the 8 planets in order of increasing distance from the sun?

MVEMJSUN My very excellent mother just served us nine (pizzas).

What is the mnemonic that helps you remember the sun earth and moon order?

There is no 'phrase' or mnemonic for this because the order of the Sun, Earth and Moon changes as the Moon orbits the Earth. Remember - planets obit a star (the Sun is a star) - Earth is a planet moons orbit planets - The Moon is a moon.

Which planet has a large body that orbits the Sun?

By definition all planets in the solar system orbit the Sun; also, in order to be a planet they have to be large enough to achieve their rounded shapes.

What groups is in the right order Mars Jupiter Pluto Saturn Mercury Earth Pluto Jupiter Moon Venus Neptune Saturn?

None are in the corect order.In order of increasing distance from the sun, the following is the order of planets, dwarf planets and natural satellites that were mentioned in the question.MercuryVenusEarth (with the Moon)MarsJupiterSaturnUranusNeptunePluto