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Depends on the declination in question. There are 24 hours of right ascension in 360 degrees, so at the celestial equator (declination = 0 degrees) 1 hour of right ascension is equal to 15 degrees. But as you increase or decrease declination the right ascension lines converge to the celestial pole (like longitude lines on a globe). The angle covered by 1 hour of right ascension is therefore equal to (15 degrees x cos(declination) ), so at the celestial poles (declination = +/- 90 degrees) 1 hour of RA is 0 degrees.

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Q: One hour of right ascension is equivalent to how many degrees of sky rotation?
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Right Ascension in space is equivalent to Longitude on Earth but it is measured in hours minutes and seconds rather than degrees, minutes and seconds. 1 hour of RA is equivalent to 15° of longitude. Declination in Space is equivalent to Latitude on Earth. Both are measure in degrees, minutes and seconds. Declination is measured from the Celestial Equator, + being north and - being south, just like Latitude.

In star language what does RA stand for?

Right Ascension. It's the celestial equivalent of longitude.

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it would be 30 degrees It is 15 degrees. (360 degrees/24 hours = 15).

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A right angle is 90 degrees, so one third of a right angle is 30 degrees.

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A complete rotation of 360 degrees

How do you spell ascension?

Ascension, you spelt it right.