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Q: Relatively cool stars look either orange or this color?
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What the color of coolest stars?

Orange is the coolest color of stars

What is the color of the coolest stars?

The coolest stars are red.

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What are the color of the stars and their meaning?

Stars a yellow-ish orange for the majority of their lifetimes.

What are different color of stars?

The different colors of stars include white, blue, red, red orange, orange, and yellow.

What are the different color of the stars?

The different colors of stars include white, blue, red, red orange, orange, and yellow.

The sun is warmer than what color stars?

orange or red!

What color are cooler stars?

Red, Orange, or Yellow, I think...

What stars are hot and which are cold?

All stars are hot. Their temperature can be determined by their color. The "coolest" stars are red in color. As temperature increases stars will go through orange, yellow, white, and finally blue for the hottest stars.

What color is a warm star?

blue stars are the hottest, although red, orange and yellow stars are pretty hot too.

Are stars blue in colour?

Stars vary in color and may be red, orange, yellow, white, or blue. Blue stars are the hottest and among the brightest.