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Newton's first law: A body in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force.

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Q: The fact that the Voyager spacecraft continue to speed out of the solar system even though its rockets have no fuel is an example of?
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Related questions

What are three types of rockets that power modern spacecraft?

The answer, is that there are only two types of rockets which fuel modern spacecraft. they are solid fuel rockets, and liquid fuel rockets

How does a spacecraft get into space?

It is propelled into space by rockets

How do you use rocket in a sentence?

spacecraft use rockets to get to space

How many rockets have been to Saturn?

Four: Pioneer 11, Voyager 1, Voyager 2, and Cassini-Huygens.

What is Houstons nickname?

Texas Texans

How do people travel to space?

Using rockets and other types of spacecraft.

What are some of the jobs rockets have done in the past?

Rockets have sent unmanned spacecraft to mars and Jupiter. Satellites put in orbit by rockets beam back information about earth's atmosphere and weather.

Who is Korolyov?

Sergey Pavlovich Korolyov, Soviet designer of guided missiles, rockets, and spacecraft.

What is the name of the spacecraft that took people to the moon?

Rockets... The first one was Apollo 11

What engine is used in a rocket ship?

Chemical rockets are generally used on manned spacecraft. Ion propulsion has been used on a few unmanned spacecraft.

How do rockets without fire fly while they are in space?

An object in motion will continue to move at the same speed and in the same direction unless some force acts on it. So there is no need to continuously fire rockets in space. That is only needed if the spacecraft needs to change speed or direction. When spacecraft is on orbit, gravity constantly pulls it toward the object it is orbiting, but it is moving fast enough that, in simple terms, it will constantly miss.

What is negative speed in science?

Speed in science means vector (direction and velocity). Any force which lessens the vector can be considered negative speed. A spacecraft's retro rockets are a good example.