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The force that holds the planets in orbit is gravity, although inertia( the resistance of any physical object to a change in its state of motion or rest, or the tendency of an object to resist any change in its motion.) help to hold it in place as well, because the two forces balance each other out.

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the force is called GRAVITY and INERTIA working together

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Q: The force that holds planets in their orbit?
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What is the invisible force that holds the earth and all the planets in their orbit?

the answer is........ gravity

What from the sun holds the planets in orbit?

The Sun AND its planets attract each other with gravitic force.

Is it true that- gravity holds planets in orbit because planets are attracted to each other's gravitational force?

It's true that gravity holds planets in orbit. However, this is due to the gravitational influence of the sun, not the gravitational influence of other planets.

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The Sun`s gravity holds all the planets in orbit in space.The gravitational attraction from our Sun.

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Gravity is the force that holds a planet in orbit around the sun. Inertia keeps the planets spinning.

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Planets orbit around the Sun because of the Sun's gravitational force, it makes the planets move by its gravitational force.

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Who determined the force that kept planets in orbit?

It was Isaac Newton who figured out that the force of gravity keeps planets in orbit around the sun.

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i think its is by the force of gravity planets are kepet orbit

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