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To see all the phases of Venus is impossible in the Earth-centred model of the Solar System.

The case of the Moon is different. Simple geometry shows how you can see

all the phases if it revolves around the Earth.

If the Moon's phases were caused by it orbiting the Sun, then the Moon would

have to be millions of miles from Earth. We know the distance to the Moon very

accurately and it's obviously orbiting the Earth.

But, of course, the Moon does go round the Sun too, along with Earth, during the year.

I hope that's clear.

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Q: The moon has phases too Why doesn't that make us think the moon revolves around the sun too rather than around Earth?
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How long does it take the moon to revolve once?

Every 29 days nova net Actually, that is not true. The Earth rotates, making it appear like the moon revolves around the Earth once per day. But, as evident by the different stages of the lunar cycle, ie. different shapes, the moon revolves around the Earth in more than a day, rather, a 27.5 day cycle ending with a New Moon.

What is the definition of a quarter moon?

It is when on Earth we see one quarter of the moon lit up. The surface of the moon is always illuminated a little over 50% by the sun but what we see of it on Earth varies as it revolves around the Earth from none (New moon) to about 50% (Full moon) One quarter is in between.

What helped provide evidence that the planets orbit around the sun rather than the earth?

We sometimes see gibbous (nearly but not quite full) Venus. In the Ptolemaic system, we should never see more than a crescent in Venus. Because we do in fact see more, the Ptolemaic model must be wrong. The full range of phases that we see for Venus is consistent only with the idea that Venus orbits the Sun. Galileo was the first to observe the phases of Venus - and hence to find this evidence in support of the Sun-centered system - because he was the first to observe Venus through a telescope. Without a telescope, we cannot tell that Venus goes through phases.

Why do we see different phases of the moon?

They're not. Anybody, at any time, in either hemisphere, standing anywhere on the half of the earth that can see the moon, and facing the moon, sees exactly the same shape. ============================================== Another contributor disagreed. Quite viscerally, in fact. Here's what remains after cleaning it up: People in the Northern hemisphere see the "OPPOSITE" moon phase to people in the Southern Hemisphere. Also in the N. Hemisphere the moon phases change from right to left while in the S. Hemisphere the moon phases go from left to right...

What does revolution mean in space?

In the context of astronomy, rotation and revolution are rather specific. Rotation refers to the spin on the axis, for example, a day on Earth. Revolution refers to the orbit around the primary, for example, the slightly elliptical path the Earth takes around the Sun each year.

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How long does it take the moon to revolve once?

Every 29 days nova net Actually, that is not true. The Earth rotates, making it appear like the moon revolves around the Earth once per day. But, as evident by the different stages of the lunar cycle, ie. different shapes, the moon revolves around the Earth in more than a day, rather, a 27.5 day cycle ending with a New Moon.