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Every Year, but each year is different for each planet:

Mercury- 88 Earth Days (.25 Earth Years)

Venus- 255 Earth Days (.7 Earth Years)

Earth- 365 Earth Days (1 Earth Year)

Mars- 687 Earth Days (1.8 Earth Years)

Jupiter- 4,346 Earth Days (11.9 Earth Years)

Saturn- 10,774 Earth Days (29.5 Earth Years)

Uranus- 30,680 Earth Days (84 Earth Years)

Neptune- 60,625 Earth Days (165 Earth Years)

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12y ago

Year, but each year is different for each planet:

Mercury- 88 Earth Days (.25 Earth Years)

Venus- 255 Earth Days (.7 Earth Years)

Earth- 365 Earth Days (1 Earth Year)

Mars- 687 Earth Days (1.8 Earth Years)

Jupiter- 4,346 Earth Days (11.9 Earth Years)

Saturn- 10,774 Earth Days (29.5 Earth Years)

Uranus- 30,680 Earth Days (84 Earth Years)

Neptune- 60,625 Earth Days (165 Earth Years)

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Q: The planet revolves around the sun once every what?
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What planet revolves around the sun once every 88 days?

OF course Mercury, the closest planet to the sun.

Earth planet revolves around the sun?

Yes - once a year.

Uranous- length of days and years?

Uranus rotates on its axis (its 'day') once every 17.2 hours.The planet revolves around the sun (its 'year') once every 84 earth years.

What planet revolves around the sun once?

All planets continuously revolve ( or 'orbit') around the Sun. No planet orbits the Sun just once.

What planet's revolution and rotation only takes twenty seven days?

No planet has a revolution and rotation that takes 27 days. The Moon rotates once every 27 days and revolves around the Earth once every 27 days.

What marks one year in space?

When a planet revolves around the sun once

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It revolves around the sun once a year and rotates around its axis once a day.

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Rotation. The Earth rotates on its axis one complete circle once every 24 hours. It revolves around the Sun once a year in 365.24 days.

How did Uranus get where it is now?

because uranus revolves around the sun like all the other planets. revolving means to go around something without spinning. every planet revolves. if a planet does not revolve, then there wouldn't be any day or night. the earth takes 365 days to revolve around the sun once. uranus takes 30,800 days to revole around the sun once. that is a really long year.

What is orbitical velocity?

The planet Mercury has an orbital velocity of 47.8725 kilometers/second. It revolves around the Sun once every 88 days at about 172,332 kph or 107,082 mph.

Does the sun revolves around the earth?

Yes, the earth revolves around the sun. The year on earth represents one trip of our planet in its orbit around our star.

How many times does earth revolve around the sun?

Earth revolves around the Sun once per year.