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Yes, the planets revolve around the sun due to its gravitational pull, which is the strongest force in our solar system. This pull keeps the planets in orbit around the sun, following elliptical paths.

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Q: The planets in the solar system revolve around the sun because it has the greatest and strongest attraction?
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What planet has the greatest attraction to the sun?

Mercury has the greatest attraction to the Sun among the planets in our solar system. This is because it is the closest planet to the Sun.

Which planet has the strongest gravity and why?

Jupiter has the strongest gravity among the planets in our solar system. This is because Jupiter is the largest planet, and its mass creates a stronger gravitational pull compared to the other planets.

Which planet has the strongest gravity?

Earth has the strongest gravitational pull.

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because of gravitational force of attraction between the earth and other planets

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No. Jupiter has the strongest gravity of the planets in our solar system.

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Jupiter exerts the greatest force of gravity in our solar system due to its large mass. Other massive planets like Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune also have significant gravitational forces.

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Jupiter because it is so massive.

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What planet has the strongest gravitational attraction at its surface?

Because the gas giants have no actual surfaces, their gravity is often calculated at a point within their dense atmospheres. At the designated location in Jupiter's clouds, its gravitational pull is more than twice that of Earth at sea level. However, at that point the object would also be drawn rapidly into the deeper atmosphere unless it was less dense than the surrounding gases.

Why it takes mercury the shortest time of all the planets to complete one orbit of the sun?

Because it is the closest, it is in the strongest gravitational field and it goes the quickest because of that.

Does earth have the most gravity compared to the other planets?

No. Of the planets in this solar system, Jupiter, by far, has the strongest gravity.