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Q: The spectral sequence in order of decreasing temperature is?
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What spectral class in the sun?

The Sun is a as a G2V type star, a yellow dwarf and a main sequence star. Stars are classified by their spectra(the elements that they absorb) and their temperature. There are seven main types of stars. In order of decreasing temperature, O, B, A, F, G, K, and M

Is spectral class B in space hot or cold?

Spectral class is the categorization of stars by temperature and size, mostly the former. Spectral class B is very hot. In descending order (hottest to coolest) the spectral classes are O,B,A,F,G,K,M. You can see that B is very near the top.

What happens to volume when temperature of gas is decresd at constant pressure?

If the temperature of the gas is decreasing, then in order to maintain constant pressure, you would have to compress it in volume.

Type of stars in the H-R diagram?

The HR diagram has the star's temperature along the horizontal axis and the absolute magnitude (brightness) along the vertical axis. Each star is represented by a single dot. Higher temperature is usually associated with more brightness so many stars lie on or near a line on the diagram called the Main Sequence. Red giant stars are found on the upper right hand quarter because they are relatively cool but still very bright.

What does sequence of instructions mean?

The order of the instructions is the sequence.

What is the denotation of sequence?

the denotation of sequence is put in order

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Why does main sequence has a limit at the lower end?

The reason main sequence has a limit at the lower end is because of temperature and pressure. The lower limit exists in order to exclude stellar objects that are not able to sustain hydrogen fusion.

The order in which the actions occur is known as sequence of what?

Sequence of Events.

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What logical order of presentation or sequence does an anecdote?

logical sequence

What is the rule of order?

the rule defines whether we have to arrange in ascending order or the decreasing order as per demand