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Gold nose. Horse Isle Real Time Quiz Answer: gold nose

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He lost his nose in a duel. After than he wore a number of prosthetics that were made of silver or gold and also copper.

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Q: Tycho Brahe was famous for what odd facial part?
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Tycho Brahe facial part?

Gold Nose.

What is the homeland of tycho brahe?

Tycho Brahe's homeland was Denmark. He was born in what was then Skane, Denmark in 1546. Today, Skane is part of Sweden. Brahe was an astronomer who built and calibrated instruments to observe stars and planets. He died in 1601.

Who invented clcok?

In 1577, Jost Burgi invented the minute hand. Burgi's invention was part of a clock made for Tycho Brahe, an astronomer who needed an accurate clock for his stargazing.

Contribution of tycho brahe to science?

He took many measurements regarding the Orbits of planets which Keplar then used to formulate his 3 laws. This eventually was part of the prompting for Newtons law of gravity.

Where did Tyco Brahe Live in?

The observer and recorder of the positions of the stars and planets, more precise than anyone previously. His measurements allowed Johannes Kepler to develop the elliptical orbit theory of planetary motion. A medieval/renaissance Danish astronomer.

What did brahe have wrong?

He lost part of his nose in a duel

How did Tycho Brahe contribute Kepler's laws?

Tycho, for the most part, just gathered a vast amount of data of the planets and their movements. He didn't really do much analyzing of the data to come up with laws or theories. That was done after his death by his assistant, Johannes Kepler, who took that very data and discovered alot about how the planets move and orbit the sun. But Tycho's contribution was significant because he devised ways of measuring the positions of planets and other objects that were more accurate than ever before. These allowed Kepler to do better calcuations than before and discover the small differences between the old model of planetary orbits and the elliptical orbits that Kepler discovered and passed on to later scientists.

Who was the scientist with a wax nose who died because of his bad manners?

Tycho Brahe (astronomer) had part of his nose cut off in a rapier duel and had it replaced with a metal one. It is a common misconception that it was a wax nose. It was also thought that he died from a bladder complication due to the fact that he was to "polite" to excuse himself from dinner to urinate. Recent study has since suggested that he died of mercury poisoning.

What is part of the facial skeleton?

Facial bones eg. nasal , zygomatic maxilla lacrymal bones.

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Which model of the solar system has Earth at the center of the revolving planets and stars?

This would be known as a geocentric model, and it is pretty easy to show why such a model is unlikely.

Does facial hair have anything to do with you not growing anymore?

No, facial hair is just a part of puberty. Sooner or later you will stop growing but it's not linked to the hair.