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seasons are caused by the tilt of the earth. since the earth is in a slight eliptical orbit around the sun, when we are closer to the sun in January is where the northern hemisphere will still have winter and further from the sun in July when summer occurs. this is expected to flip in 26,000 years because of earths 3rd axis known as axial precession

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Q: What affects seasonal change more Earth's tilted axis or the distance to the sun during Earths orbit?
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The change in distance is not very significant. Note that when it is Summer in the northern hemisphere, it is Winter in the south, and vice versa. This has nothing to do with the distance from the Sun, which is practically the same for North and South.

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Not much would change. Note that the seasons are NOT related to changes in the distance from the Sun.

Does length and mass affect speed and distance?

I cannot say about "lenght", but distance is a measure of length so length affects distance. Speed is the rate of change of distance (over time) so length affects speed. Mass does not significantly affect speed or distance but, because they are affected by acceleration and acceleration is affected by mass (for a given force), then mass affects them. Also, mass affects space time and the presence or absence of mass changes the lines along which distances are measured and so distances and speed are affected.

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