

What are average stars like the sun?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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10y ago

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They are classified as Main Sequence Stars, of which differ in color, size, brightness, and heat. The smallest stars are usually a blueish color and are the hottest, and the largest stars range from yellow to dark red (those being the very biggest).

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Q: What are average stars like the sun?
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Stars of average size is called?

An average star like our own Sun is called a yellow dwarf.

What is an average stars life?

Average like the sun ... about 10 billion years. But most stars are dimmer and so live longer, some much longer.

Do stars produce light?

Yes. The sun is one of many stars, and there are even larger stars than the sun. Our sun is just an average star.

How does an average star look like?

it is bright in not that big from earth it looks tiny but its not there are all kind of stars like the sun

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Our sun is an average star.

Are there other stars like your sun in the universe?

Probably MILLIONS of stars very much like our Sun.

How does the sun compare with the average star?

The sun is an average star - and kind of the lower range of average at that. Among stars as a whole, our Sun is "a face in the crowd".

Could an average stars such as our sun become a neutron star?

No. Stars such as our sun become white dwarfs. Only stars 8-10 times the mass of the sun or more become neutron stars.

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Stars don't move at all, not even the sun. The Earth orbits around the sun to make it LOOK like the sun is moving. So no stars move.

What stars are like the sun?

Check out the centauri stars

How is the sun like the other stars?

Our sun is a star - like the others

What is the average size of a star?

There are 200 billion stars in the milky way, with 90 percent of them being main sequence, most of these are sun like. (I cannot find any solid information that says the sun is anything but the perfect example of the average main sequence. Bigger stars die quickly, smaller stars are nearly invisible to us [dwarfs].) This means 180 billion stars are like the sun, but due to uncertainty, and tiny size of most of these, on a personal educated Hypothesis, I believe there to be about 100 billion stars that are sun-like and stable enough to support a solar system.