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Curiously, the nearer the planet is to the Sun the faster it orbits. Thus Mercury orbits the fastest, whereas Neptune is the slowest.

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Q: What are slowest to fastest planet to orbit the sun?
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Slowest traveling planet?

The farther a planet is from the sun, the slower it moves in its orbit. So the planet with the largest orbit is the slowest. That's Pluto ... if you still consider Pluto a planet ... or Neptune if you don't.

Is mercury the fastest moving planet around the sun but the slowest rotating around its axis?

Mercury is the fastest moving planet around the sun. It is second slowest to rotate about its axis, Venus being the slowest.

Which planet orbits the Sun slowest?

If you still consider Pluto to be a planet then Pluto would be the slowest to orbit the sun. If you don't believe Pluto is a planet anymore then Neptune would be the slowest planet to orbit our sun.

Why is Jupiter not the fastest nor the slowest planet?

Because it is not that far from the sun and it is not that close to the sun

When will a planet travel fastest in its orbit?

The earth is moving fastest in its orbit at the moment of perihelion, when it is closest to the sun. the happens around January 3.

What planets orbit the sun faster than Saturn?

the fastest planet that orbit's the sun is mercury.

The speed of a planet in its elliptical orbit around the sun?

The path that planets take around the sun is called it's orbit. The gravitation pull of the sun keeps each planet in it's orbit. Each planets orbit varies in the time it takes to make one trip around the sun.

Which planet moves the slowest in its orbit?

Orbital speed is determined by the mass of the body and the distance from the sun. Given its extreme distance, Pluto has the slowest orbit. However, Pluto is no longer considered a planet, but instead a planetoid. Therefore Neptune now has the slowest orbit.

What planet moves around sun the slowest?

Neptune would move the slowest. The orbit speed is related to the distant the planets are to the sun. Farther the planet, slower the pace. Remember, Pluto is no longer a planet.

Which planet would orbit around the sun the slowest?

Neptune. (Pluto is no longer considered a planet, but, rather, a dwarf planet.)

Which planet has the slowest orbit why?

Neptune is the furthest planet from the sun, taking the longest time to complete one orbit, 164.79 years in total. Its distance means that is has further to go to complete one orbit, while it also means that the planet travels the slowest. The further a planet is from the gravitational pull of the sun, the slower it will move tangentially.

Does a planet travel fastest or slowest when near the sun?

faster nearer to the sun, the sun has more pull to move it faster