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The dark colored areas of the moon's surface are referred to as "maria", the Italian and Latin word for "seas". Long before the arid nature of the moon's surface was known, the early observers of the moon interpreted these areas as oceans on the moon, and referred to them accordingly.

And as for the light areas, they have always been (correctly) interpreted as mountain ranges, and named accordingly.

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Q: What are the dark colored regions of the moon?
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Dark-colored relatively flat regions of the Moon's surface that were formed when interior lava filled large basins are called?

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What are the dark flat regions on the moon's surface?


What are dark colored relatively flat regions of the moon's surface formed when interior lava filled large basins?

The lunar maria (singular: mare) are large, dark, basaltic plains on Earth's Moon, formed by ancient volcanic that won't fit in my crossword _ _ _ _ amaria

Dark regions on the surface of the moon are generally?

Dark regions on the surface of the moon are generally basalt flows. Basalt is a dark rock. The flows have been caused by rock melting due to heat generated by meteor impacts.

What are dark colored flat regions of the Moon's surface formed when interior lava filled large basins?

Do you have mrs swartzentruber for science? Cuz if u do I have the answer! Meet me in the small commons by where you put your lunch trays!

How are the moon's dark-colored areas different from its light-colored areas?

The dark colored areas are actually shadows produced by the sun hitting the moons mountains, casting shadows on the land around them and light colors are not

What are dark colored areas that look like oceans and were formed by lava flows?

The "Maria" on the Moon.

What are some of the observation that have been made of the moon?

that there are dark flat creators on the regions of moons surface.

Far where on the moon have the youngest rocks been found?

The youngest rocks found on the moon are igneous rocks. They are found on the Maria, dark, flat regions on the moon.