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It is mainly made up of carbon dioxide, nitrogen and argon.

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Q: What are the gases composed the athmosphere?
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Does the moon have athmosphere like earth?

Yes it does, although its very thin and the gases its atmosphere is composed of are Argon, Helium, Sodium and Potassium. Its pressures are 10−7 pascals in the day and 10−10 pascals at night.

Which planet is composed of gases?

Jupiter is composed mainly of gases (hydrogen and helium).

What are the component of athmosphere?

Earth's atmosphere is composed of (approximately) 79% Nitrogen, 20% Oxygen and 1% 'other' gasses (such as Argon, Carbon Dioxide etc).

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No, they are composed of gases. The air around you is also composed of gases, but the gas giants may not even have a rocky core.

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Jupiter is mainly made out of gases.

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These gases are not conductive.

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No but it is composed of them- mostly gases.

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What is composed of layers of gases surrounding the earth?

The atmosphere.

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