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They are mainly made of carbon dioxide (CO2). The pole temperatures get so low that the atmosphere condenses out to form this dry ice layer.

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Q: What do the frozen ice caps in Mars contain?
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Which planet is red has ice caps made of frozen carbon dioxide?

Mars. Edit : As far as I know the ice caps contain water ice as well as frozen carbon dioxide.

Does the Mars have water?

Mars does have water, it is just frozen in its ice caps.

What are the ice caps on Mars made of?

Mars has two polar ice caps. The northern ice cap is mainly composed of frozen H2O. The southern ice cap is mainly composed of frozen CO2.

Are the icecaps of mars composed mostly of frozen water?

The ice caps in the North pole of Mars compose of frozen water and frozen carbon dioxide and the ice caps on the South Pole consists mainly of of frozen water.

What are ice caps on mars?

Frozen water like earth has

Which planet has frozen ice caps made of CO2?


Which 2 planets in your solar system have polar ice caps?

Earth and Mars. The polar ice caps on mars are mainly CO2 ice, frozen carbon dioxide.

What evidence shows that mars may once have had liquid?

Mars' atmosphere contains trace amounts of water vapor, and it has polar ice caps that contain frozen H2O.

What evidence shows that mars may once have water?

Mars' atmosphere contains trace amounts of water vapor, and it has polar ice caps that contain frozen H2O.

What evidence shows that Mars may. Once have liquid water?

Mars' atmosphere contains trace amounts of water vapor, and it has polar ice caps that contain frozen H2O.

What evidence show that mars may once have had liquid water?

Mars' atmosphere contains trace amounts of water vapor, and it has polar ice caps that contain frozen H2O.

What is mars axis poles look like?

The mars axis poles have ice caps, which is frozen water on mars.