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Their "orbits".

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3w ago

The imaginary path of the planets in the solar system is called the ecliptic. This is the apparent path that the Sun appears to take across the sky as seen from Earth. The planets in our solar system all roughly follow this same path as they orbit the Sun.

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Do the planets move in their own imaginary path yes or no?

There path is not imaginary, so the answer is no.

What do you call a circular path to do with the solar system?

That would be an orbit. The planets in our solar system revolve around the Sun in elliptical orbits.

What do you call the path to the planets takes what keeps the planets on this path?

The path a planet takes is called an orbit.The planets are kept in orbit by the gravitational pull of the star (in our case the Sun) they orbit.

What do you call path of the planetaround the sun?

It is the planets' orbit.

What do you call the path when the planets orbit the sun?

eliptical orbit.

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Name the path on which planets travel?

The path on which planets travel is called their orbit.

What keeps the planets on their path?

The gravity of there star keeps them on path and a planets moon is sun around by its planets gravitational force

What is the path followed by a planet in revolving called?

It is a imaginary path called Orbit.

What is the path a planet takes to orbit another planet called?

We call that path the "orbit" of the orbiting body. Note: You would not ever see a planet orbiting another planet. At least, if you did, you would not call them both planets.

Does planets move in circular path instead of straight lines?

Planets rotate around the sun. The path is not really circular for planets, it is actually ellipsoidal.

What is the path planets travel?

Planets travel in elliptical orbits.