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Lots of things do NOT happen. Better read an article on star formation and find out what DOES happen.

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Q: What does NOT happen as part of the process of star formation?
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Have scientists seen a star form or witnessed the formation of a star?

Not exactly: Star formation is believed to be a slow process, compared to a human lifetime; scientists have, however, seen stars in different phases of their formation.

What observational evidence can you cite that star formation is a continuous process?

Gas and radiation flowing away from a newly formed massive star can blow away nearby gas and dust forming star formation pillars. Where nearby gas and dust clouds are compressed, new star formations can be triggered.

How is star formation related to spiral arms?

As interstellar clouds approach the spiral arm region it helps them to begin the collapsing process and eventually form a star.

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Star Wars Movies do not affect the formation of magma.

When does hydrogen first begin to fuse into helium in the star formation process?

When the temperature of the core reaches 10 billion degrees kelvin

What fundamental forces pulled together hot dense areas of matter in the early Universe to begin the process of star formation?


What star are the youngest?

New stars are being born all the time; LOTS of them. Also, the star formation process takes a long, long time. So the real question is, when do you consider something to be a "star", as opposed to a "protostar" for example.

What are the main methods and concepts in the study of star formation?

A Star

How does a supernova explosion start the evolution of a star formation again?

The star that exploded is never going to become a new star, since a lot of the star imploded too, and it's now a super-dense neutron star. If it's really lucky it's a black hole. The part that will create new star formation is the gas and various elements that escape in the explosion, forming nebulae. Over time these clouds of gas find gravitational centres, and eventually materials attract and form new bodies. Everything here on earth was once part of a dying star!

Why is galactic disk called the active part of milky way?

Because it's within this area that most star formation takes place.

How is the formation of your galaxy like the formation of a star?

Mainly in that gravity is involved in both cases.

How is star formation similar to recycling?
