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Generally, the larger the star, the more luminous it is.

However, luminosity is measured as the visible light of a star as seen at the interstellar distance of 10 parsecs.

So a massive star could have a lower luminosity than a bright blue supergiant.

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14y ago
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4w ago

The size of a star is directly related to its luminosity. Generally, larger stars tend to have higher luminosities than smaller stars. This is because larger stars have more surface area to radiate energy, resulting in higher brightness.

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11y ago

The bigger, the brighter. However, stellar class and temperature are just as important.

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10y ago

how do stars luminosity compare with thier radii

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12y ago

No. To determine a star's real brightness, its apparent brightness must be measured. Also, the star's distance must be determined through one of several methods.

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Lvl 1
4y ago

i dont know

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Lvl 1
4y ago
gee thanks genious

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Q: What does size tell us about the luminosity of stars?
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How does brigthness vary from the size of the star?

Brighter stars are typically larger in size because they have more surface area to emit light and heat. The luminosity of a star depends on its size, with larger stars generally being brighter than smaller stars. However, other factors such as temperature and distance also play a role in determining a star's brightness.

What does a star's position in the main sequence tell you about that star?

A star's position in the main sequence on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram tells us its temperature, luminosity, and evolutionary stage. Stars in the main sequence are undergoing nuclear fusion in their core, converting hydrogen into helium. The more massive and brighter stars are found at the top left, while less massive and dimmer stars are at the bottom right of the main sequence.

Stars in a constellation are about the same age?

Yes, stars in a constellation are usually about the same age because they form from the same cloud of gas and dust at the same time. This means they share similar characteristics such as temperature, luminosity, and color.

Why a stars color and brightness is important?

A star's color can provide valuable information about its temperature, age, and composition. Brightness, or luminosity, is important in determining a star's distance and size. By studying these characteristics, astronomers can learn more about the star's life cycle, evolution, and role within the galaxy.

Why must a star's parallax be known before you can find the luminosity?

Knowing a star's parallax allows us to determine its distance from Earth. Once we know the distance, we can calculate the star's luminosity by measuring its apparent brightness. This is because luminosity decreases with the square of the distance from the observer, so knowing the exact distance is crucial for accurate luminosity calculations.

Related questions

What does HR diagrams tell us about a star?

Luminosity, heat, and location.

How does brigthness vary from the size of the star?

Brighter stars are typically larger in size because they have more surface area to emit light and heat. The luminosity of a star depends on its size, with larger stars generally being brighter than smaller stars. However, other factors such as temperature and distance also play a role in determining a star's brightness.

What does a star's position in the main sequence tell you about that star?

A star's position in the main sequence on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram tells us its temperature, luminosity, and evolutionary stage. Stars in the main sequence are undergoing nuclear fusion in their core, converting hydrogen into helium. The more massive and brighter stars are found at the top left, while less massive and dimmer stars are at the bottom right of the main sequence.

Are nebulas brighter then stars?

Brightness is defined as a correlation between luminosity and distance. So it will depend on what is brighter and what is nearer to us.

How does the color of a star indicates the chemical?

Different colors of stars can tells us the temperature of that star. It can also tell us the luminosity and mass of a star and where it is in its life cycle, whether it is a proto-star (new) or red super giant (dying high mass stars), or white dwarf (dying low mass stars). For more info, visit the link below in the related links.

Stars in a constellation are about the same age?

Yes, stars in a constellation are usually about the same age because they form from the same cloud of gas and dust at the same time. This means they share similar characteristics such as temperature, luminosity, and color.

Why a stars color and brightness is important?

A star's color can provide valuable information about its temperature, age, and composition. Brightness, or luminosity, is important in determining a star's distance and size. By studying these characteristics, astronomers can learn more about the star's life cycle, evolution, and role within the galaxy.

What is the luminosity of the night sky. How much light do the stars produce relative to us compared to the sun?

The luminosity of stars varies quite a bit. Most stars (about 85-90% of them) emit less light than our Sun, while a few very massive stars emit, in extreme cases, over a million times as much light (or more precisely: total radiation) than our Sun.

Why must a star's parallax be known before you can find the luminosity?

Knowing a star's parallax allows us to determine its distance from Earth. Once we know the distance, we can calculate the star's luminosity by measuring its apparent brightness. This is because luminosity decreases with the square of the distance from the observer, so knowing the exact distance is crucial for accurate luminosity calculations.

Is the star Betelgeuse luminous?

Yes, Betelgeuse is a luminous star located in the constellation of Orion. It is a red supergiant star that is one of the brightest stars in the night sky.

Why do some stars seem brighter than others?

Stars appear brighter than others mainly due to their distance from Earth and their intrinsic luminosity. The closer a star is to Earth, the brighter it appears. Additionally, a star's luminosity, which is determined by its size and temperature, also plays a role in how bright it appears to us.

How do you measure the distance to a cepheid?

The distance to a Cepheid variable star can be calculated using the period-luminosity relationship, which relates the pulsation period of the star to its intrinsic brightness. By measuring the period of the star and its apparent brightness from Earth, astronomers can determine its distance using the inverse square law for light.