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the mass sremains the same, but the weight decreases

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Q: What happens when a block of iron is transported to the moon?
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Related questions

How are mass and weight affected if a block of iron is transported to the moon?

The mass would not change, but because the moon has less gravitational pull than the earth (because it is smaller), the iron block would weigh much less.

Who an object transported from Earth to the Moon has the?

An object transported from the Earth to the moon has a different weight and same mass.

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How much iron is on the moon?

Mineral surveys of the moon have been very limited in scope, however, it does not appear that the moon is particularly rich in iron.

Is there iron on the moon?


What was the vehicle that transported the astronauts off the moon from the Apollo missions?

Lunar rover

Where do you get iron on Harvest Moon Tree of Tranquility?

To get iron,go to the mine.Sometimes,if your lucky,you can find iron.

How does the Moon's iron rich core compare to that of the Earths?

the moon has more

Does iron rust on the surface of the moon?

Moon hasn't oxygen and water.

What is the interior of the moon like?


Why does the earth not block the sun from reaching the moon during a full moon?

The earth does not block the sun during *most* full moons because it is not *directly* between the sun and moon. If the earth does block the sun from the moon, then the earth must be directly between the sun and moon. This will happen at full moon, since the three must be in a line, and you would see the full moon, then the eclipse, then the moon fully illuminated again.

Is new moon in block buster?

No, not yet.