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Q: What is Because only a small part of it is visible culture is often compared to a(n) .?
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What is a scientific question about the planet Jupiter?

How often is Jupiter visible in the nighttime sky

Can you see the northern lights from somewhere in Alaska?

Yes, they are visible from basically anywhere in Alaska where they are not washed out by City Lights. They are often visible from Northern States in the Continental US. During unusually high Solar activity they are visible even further South.

The beginnings of a tornado are known as a funnel cloud?

Yes. A tornado is often visible as a funnel cloud as it develops.

Is the moon always in the night sky in Great Britain If it is then is it visible in the southern hemisphere If it is not visible every night in Great Britain then why not Intrigues you?

The Moon isn't always in the night sky in Great Britain.That's not just because it's often cloudy!The reason is simply that it spends half its time in the daylight sky.That's because it orbits the Earth once about every 27 days, roughly.Exactly when the Moon is visible at night depends, amongst other things, on the observer's latitude.However, generally speaking if it is visible in the northern hemisphere it's visible at most places in the Southern hemisphere at the same local time of night.I suppose the question could be about whether the Moon is visible at some time during every night. In that case, of course, you get a different answer.The Moon is often visible in the daylight sky, especially when it is not very close to the Sun. Around the time of the new Moon the Moon is closest to the Sun. So not only is the brightness of the Sun obscuring our view of the Moon, but this is also the time when little or no reflected light reaches us from the Moon.

What is the characteristic cloud of a tornado?

Tornadoes are often made visible by a funnel cloud, which forms as a result of the pressure drop inside the tornado.

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Because only a small part of it is visible culture is often compared to a (n)?


Because only a small part of it is visible, culture is often compared to a(n)?


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Only a small part of culture is visible.

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When discussing climate Japan is often compared with California because of its north-south placement. In what other way is Japan compared with California?

Both are within the ring of fire