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Jupiter's orbital period is 4331.6 days

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Q: What is Jupiter's length of orbit in earth days?
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What is jupiters revolution period in earth days?

It takes Jupiter about 11.86 Earth years to orbit the Sun. So that's about 11.86 x 365.25 Earth days. That's about 4332 Earth days. It takes Jupiter about 9.8 hours to rotate. That's about 0.41 Earth days.

What is the length of one year on the moon?

28 days to do a full orbit around the Earth

What is the length of Mercury's orbit in Earth days?

One year on Mercury is about 88 Earth days long, 3/4 of a Mercurian day.

How long does it Saturn orbit the sun?

It takes Saturn 29.45 years (or 10,759 days) to orbit the Sun.

What is Saturn length of the year in earth days?

It takes Saturn 10,832 Earth days to complete one orbit around the Sun. That would be 29.7 years on Earth.

The length of a year on earth?

A year on Earth is approximately 365.25 days. This is the time it takes for the Earth to complete one orbit around the Sun.

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Mars period of revolution around the sun, its orbit, is 686.971 Earth days long, or 1.88 Earth years.

Days of the orbit of the moon to orbit the earth?

there are roughly 12.5 looner orbits to 1 orbit of the earth The moon takes 27.32 days to orbit the Earth.

What's it called when the length of time for earth to orbit the sun once?

That would be a year; 365.26 days.

How many days does the moon orbit the earth?

It takes the moon 29 days or about 1 month to orbit the earth.

How many days is Jupiter's orbit?

Jupiter's orbital period is 4330.6 Earth days (approx. 24 hrs/day). However a Jupiter day is only about 10 hours so the period in Jupiters days would be 2.4 times as great.

Is it true that the earth has an orbit of 28 days?

No, The earth's orbit is slightly over 365 days