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A star. The nearest star to Earth is the SUN.

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A star.

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Q: What is a big hot ball of gas that gives off its own light?
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Is the sun a big ball of gas?

its a pretty light dancing jesus 123 your an idiot it is not just a pretty light! it is a gas

What is a high hot ball of gas that is held together by gravity and gives off its own light?

That'd be a star

What is the planet that is mostly a big ball of gas?

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are each mostly a big ball of gas.

How do you explain what the sun is made of to a child?

Keep it simple.. such as - "The sun is a huge ball of burning gas which gives off heat, and light."

How is the sun different to a planet?

The sun is a big ball of gas that turns helium and hydrogen into a fusion reaction that turn into heat,light,and power. A planet is a ball of rock or a ball of gas that cant give off heat,light,or power. But they both have really,really,really hot cores and are in some type of a ball shape.

What is a huge ball of gas that gives out light and energy?

That's called a star. Actually stars are balls of plasma - where plasma can be thought of as a special case of a gas.

What does the sun have?

the sun is a big ball of gas

Is the moon a big ball of gas?

no it is not it is rock

Who are stars classified?

a ball of light and gas.

Are stars a big ball of gas?

Stars are not a gas, but they are made of gases. Our Sun it made of Helium and Hydrogen. They are a ball of gas.

How does the sun produce so much heat and light energy?

The sun is a big fire ball made up with hot flaming gas.

Large ball gas that gives off light into space?

well a turtle can lay up to 30 eggs a year and travel to the same spot they were born