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neutron star

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Q: What is a dead star with the density of an atomic nuclei called?
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How did dead sea gots its name?

Because of its high density due to salts no life found in it.So it is called dead sea.

Are there visible nuclei in the sclerenchyma tissue?

The nuclei is not visible in the sclerenchyma tissue at maturity because the cells are usually dead.

Why is mohenjo daro called mound of the dead?

This was the site of one of the first atomic blasts used on cities in history.

How did Manic the Hedgehog die?

he dead of an atomic explosion

What is the density of dead sea water?

1.24 kg/L

Why does the dead sea have a great density?

because the dead sea has more salt than the other seas.

What element has an average atomic mass nearest to 62?

a dead elephant

Why a man can float in a dead sea?

because it has so much salt in it that it enables the body to float instead of sinking in the water

Does the temperature of the Dead Sea affect it's saltiness?

no, but it does effect the density

Where would the lowest density of sea water be found?

the dead sea

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An object float in a liquid only when the density of the solid is lower than the density of the liquid.

Did Mussolini know that the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima?

He was already dead at that point.