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Q: What is a device that uses the position of shadows cast the sun to tell the time of day?
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What is an outdoor device that shows the time by shadows on a dial?

A sundial is an outdoor device that shows the time by casting a shadow onto a dial marked with lines indicating the hours of the day. The position of the shadow changes as the sun moves across the sky, allowing people to tell time based on the angle of the shadow.

Is shadow important to us?

Yes shadows are important because they tell us the position of the sun at the time of day

What do shadows tell you about the sun?

Sharp shadow show us that light travels in straight lines and cannot bend around corners.

How can you tell time from shadows?

If you place yourself on the equator at a the time of an equinox, then at mid day your shadow falls directly under your feet because the Sun is directly above you. As the Sun rises to this position and set form it, you shadow will fall to one side of you and the length of this shadow will depend on the height of the Sun in the sky, the shorter it is the higher the sun will be. Thus from the length and position of your shadow you can tell what time it is. Long shadows happen in the morning or evening and short shadows happen towards mid day.

What does a sundial do?

Sundials tell the time by the shadows cast by the sun onto a circular calibrated surface, much like a clock but without mechanism or chips.

How were shadows used in the past to tell the time?

A sundial

What is a simple clock using shadows to tell the time?

A sundial.

How can we use shadow to tell the time?

You can use a sundial, which is a device that uses the position of the sun's shadow to tell time. By placing a stick or pointer on the sundial, the shadow it casts can indicate the time based on markings on the sundial's face.

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How do shadows help us tell time?

A sundial is a perfect example of using a shadow to tell the time during the day. As the Sun moves across the sky, the shadow cast by the sundial moves round in a circle, and the circle is marked in hours and minutes.

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i dont know you tell me i want to find answers not answer then