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Bode's Law is one such pattern. Most of our planets, except Neptune, follow it. It gives predictions for the distances of objects from the sun. This law was published by Johann Elert Bode.

Bode's law goes something like this:

Distance from the Sun (Astronomical Units)

Mercury - 0.4 = 4/10

Venus - 0.7 = (4+3)/10

Earth - 1.0 = (4+ 3*2)/10

Mars - 1.6 = (4+ 3*2*2)/10

Ceres (a dwarf planet) - 2.8 = (4+ 3*2*2*2)/10

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1mo ago

One pattern common to all planets in our solar system is their orbit around the Sun. Additionally, all planets are spherical in shape due to their own gravity. Another common pattern is that the inner planets are rocky and the outer planets are gas giants.

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What are the distances between planets greater between the inner or outer planets?

Distances between outer planets are greater than distances between inner planets in our solar system. The outer planets are much farther from the Sun compared to the inner planets.

How do the distances between inner planets compare to distances between the outer planets?

The distances between inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars) are much smaller compared to the distances between outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune). The inner planets are closer to each other, with relatively small gaps between their orbits, while the outer planets are much farther apart, with larger gaps between their orbits.

What gasses are in the solar systems atmosphere?

Hydroyen,helium,Iron,carbon moxide,water,sodim and calcim

Why do they call some planets Inner and Outer planets?

The inner and outer planets are broken up by the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are "inner planets" because they are on the side of the asteroid belt closest to the sun. All other planets are considered "outer planets".

How does the distance between the inner planets differ from the distance between the outer planets?

The distance between the inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars) is comparatively smaller than the distance between the outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) in our solar system. The inner planets are closer to the Sun and each other, while the outer planets are much farther apart due to the gap between the terrestrial and gas giant planets.

Related questions

What is the distance between planets?

The distances between the planets vary all the time since they all orbit the Sun at different rates.

Is Jupiter between a planet?

Yes, it's between all the other planets.

What pattern is there between all of the planets?

Mercury is the hottest and Neptune is the coldest. The further away the planet is to the sun, the colder it is. Edit: That's not too bad an answer, but actually Venus is hotter than Mercury because of the "greenhouse effect". Also Neptune is about the same temperature as Uranus. Another pattern is that the 4 inner planets are small and rocky, but the 4 outer ones are "Gas Giant" planets.

Why planets and moons of planets stay in their orbits?

The forces of gravity between two masses are the cause of all orbits.

What makes the planets orbit around the sun?

The gravitational pull between the planets and the sun keep the planets orbiting the sun all day everyday.

Which planets move in an elliptical pattern?

They all do. Some planets are closer to a circular orbit than others (have a lower eccentricity), but none are exactly circular.

How do the distances between inner planets compare to the distances between the outer planets?

The distances between the inner planets is smaller than the distances between the outer planets.

What is a force that only acts between planets?

There is no such force. All forces that act on planets work on smaller particles as well.

When was Between Planets created?

Between Planets was created in 1951.

Which Planet was last in orbit between 1979 - 1999?

All planets are in their orbits

How many pages does Between Planets have?

Between Planets has 222 pages.

What is true about the distances between planets?

The distances between planets depend on where in their orbit they are.