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A small solid body that enter's a planst's atmosphere from outer space is called Meteor...

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Q: What is a small solid body that enters a planet's atmosphere from outer space?
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Related questions

Explain how the inner planets are different from the outer planets?

Inner planets small and rocky. Outer planets big and gassy.

What do all the outer planets have in common?

They all have cores, made from gas and dust, have atmosphere's, orbit sun, elliptical orbits.

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What are 3 differences between the outer and inner planets?

The inner planets are small, the outer planets are huge in comparison.The inner planets have rocky surfaces, the outer planets are gas giants.All of the outer planets have rings. None of the inner planets does.All of the outer planets have several moons, some of them quite large.

What makes the inner planets different from the outer planets?

The inner planets are small and rocky, the outer planets are much larger and have no solid surface, they are called the gas giants.

What is a small collection of small planets that travel around the sun between the inner and outer planets?

Asteroid belt

What is at the center of all the outer planets?

Outer planets may have small rocky centers, or possibly centers of frozen hydrogen, we are not sure.

How are dwarf planets unlike inner and outer planets?

If you mean "unlike our solar system's inner and outer planets," your question still does not make sense. You may be referring to "brown dwarfs," which are would-be stars that never got enough mass to ignite. Planetoids or planetesimals are small bodies, usually irregular, not round, and much smaller than either inner or outer planets of our solar system. The outer planets are gas giants or frozen-atmosphere small planets. Pluto's status is still a matter of debate. The International Astronomical Society decided it was not a planet, despite the fact that is is round and has a planet-like orbit. They concluded it was too small to be a planet. It is not called a dwarf planet.

What is the main difference between the inner planets and the outer planets?

The inner planets are smaller, and do not have the dense atmospheres of the outer planets. The four inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars) have warmer temperatures than the exteriors of the outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune).The "gas giants" have very hot lower atmospheres, caused by the intense pressure. The atmospheres are mostly hydrogen, but for Uranus and Neptune there are higher levels of water, methane, and ammonia. All of the gas giants have multiple moons and rings, the most visible being the ice rings around Saturn.they are divided by inner and outer and the outer planet are the planets that have bigger planets.

The outer planets are made up of what gases?

The outer planets are made up of mostly hydrogen and helium, with small amounts of water, ammonia and methane. The outer planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

Which of the planets has no atmosphere?

Mercury is the smallest of the eight planets, and is the only one not to have an atmosphere. This is due to its small size and close proximity to the sun.

Why are some planets referred to as outer planets?

The planets in the solar system can be sorted to two types: inner planets that are the four closer planets to the Sun, which are rocky and small. And outer planets which are the four other planets which are gaseous and very large.