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A star that has exhausted the hydrogen in its core will become a red giant or supergiant.

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Q: What is a star called that has exhausted its supply of hydrogen?
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A star that is a has exhausted its supply of hydrogen?

A star that is a white dwarf has exhausted its supply of hydrogen.

What is it called that has exhausted it's supply of hydrogen?

A star that has exhausted the hydrogen in its core will become a red giant or supergiant.

What is a star called that has exausted its supply of oxygen?

Stars are powered by fusing hydrogen, not oxygen. A star that has exhausted the hydrogen in its core may continue to burn as a red giant.

What is a star that has been exhausted of its supply of hydrogen?

It collapses inward on itself, becoming a "white dwarf".

When a star has exhausted its supply of hydrogen?

When hydrogen in the core of the star is depleted, a balance no longer exists between pressure and gravity. Core contracts, temperatures incrase. This causes outer layers to expand and cool. This star is called a GIANT.

What is a star that has exhausted its supply of hyderogen?

A star that has used up it's hydrogen supply because a "Red Giant". The star increases in diameter as it turns into a red giant.

A star evolves off the main sequence when?

It has exhausted it's supply of hydrogen, and depending on the mass of the star, has, started "burning" other element's.

What makes a fusion stop in the main sequence stage?

A star falls of the main sequence when it has exhausted it's supply of hydrogen.

What is the Rigel star composed of?

Rigel has exhausted its supply of hydrogen and so is now composed mainly of helium, with minute quantities of heavier elements.

Why does a star's hydrogen supply run out?

The nuclear fusion in a star's core converts hydrogen into helium. Therefore the amount of hydrogen in a star is constantly decreasing.

What is a blue dwarf?

A blue dwarf is a hypothetical type of star that develops from a red dwarf after it has exhausted much of its hydrogen fuel supply. Since red dwarf stars fuse hydrogen slowly and are fully convective (allowing a larger percentage of their total hydrogen supply to be fused), the current age of the universe is not old enough for any blue dwarfs to have formed yet.

What color is star Izar?

It's orange, but it won't be for too much longer. Soon, it's fuel supply will be exhausted, and it will turn to a dwarf star.