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Of the eight planets that orbit the Sun, Jupiter has the strongest gravitational pull because it has more mass than any of the other planets. In fact, it has more mass than ALL the other planets combined!

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15y ago
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11y ago

Among the planets Jupiter has the strongest gravity because it has the most mass.

If you mean the strongest "surface gravity", the answer is again Jupiter. However, surface gravity depends on the distance of the surface from the center, as well as the mass of the planet.

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11y ago

The gravitational force between the Earth and the Sun is what holds Earth in orbit around the Sun.

I mean, yeah, duh, I know it's pretty obvious, but I can't think of any other way to answer the question asked.

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14y ago

Every planet has some gravitational pull on each of the other planets. However, the amount of gravitational force is proportional to the two masses, and inversely proportional (meaning it decreases by) the SQUARE of the distance between them. So even though the Sum is millions of times more massive than the Moon, it is the Moon that exerts a greater gravitational force on the Earth than the Sun does. The Moon is about a quarter-million miles away from the Earth; the Sun is 400 times further away. So the gravitational force of the Sun on the Earth is 1/160000th as great as it would be, if it were the same distance away as the Moon is.

Jupiter is the largest planet; at its closest, it is 4 times farther away from the Earth than the Sun is. Jupiter's gravitational influence on the Earth is less than that of a housefly. The other planets are all smaller, and some of them are further way.

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11y ago

Among the planets Jupiter has the strongest gravity because it has the most mass.

Usually we mean the force of gravity at the surface of a planet. That depends not just on the mass, but also on the distance of the surface from the center of mass.

In that case the answer is still Jupiter.

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11y ago

All the planets have a gravitational pull. Anything that has mass has a gravitational pull, but it's only noticeable from things of very large mass, like the Earth, the Moon etc.

Even a person has a gravitational pull. Two people of 80 kg sitting 1 metre apart have a gravitational pull between them, so small it isn't measureable, but the force can be calculated as about 10-7 Newtons, about the weight of a grain of fine sand.

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13y ago

Nobody knows how gravity really works or what it actually "is," however, as far as we can tell, what gives a planet its gravitational pull is its mass. Everything with a mass has a gravitational pull, from the smallest atoms to the supermassive black hole that is theorized to be at the center of our galaxy. At this time (early 2011), scientists are hoping to find evidence for the Higgs Boson particle at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. The Higgs Boson particle is the only particle predicted by the Standard Model of particle physics that has not been observed and is believed to be the particle that imparts mass to all other particles, and ultimately what causes everything in the macroworld to have mass and consequently gravity.

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12y ago

Yes! Planets are created by the accumulation of various particles and debris over millions and billions of years. This initially impact-related accumulation eventually results in an object with enough mass that it begins to produce its own gravitational pull, which makes the further accumulation of "space stuff" much more reliable, and eventually it becomes what we know as a planet. All objects have mass, and more mass means more gravity. If you were the size of Earth, you could have a moon, too! In short: a planet actually has gravity long before we would even call it a planet! Our own moon is an excellent example.

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6y ago

All planets have gravity - on some it is more powerful than on others.

Here is a list of all the planets and the gravity they have (related to earth's as 1)׃

  • Mercury......0.377
  • Venus.........0.904
  • Earth..........1.000
  • Mars...........0.377
  • Jupiter........2.535
  • Saturn........1.064
  • Uranus........0.904
  • Neptune......1.140
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1mo ago

That object would be a moon. Moons orbit around planets due to the gravitational force between them, keeping them in orbit.

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