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No, its cold, since it is far from the sun. Its surface temperature averages at around 100 Kelvin (-173°C), with a min temperature of 50 Kelvin (-220°C) and a max temperature of around 125 (-148°C) Kelvin.

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14y ago

Europa has an icy surface. Cracks on the surface show that the ice has refrozen and melted many times, suggesting that an ocean might be under the surface that harbors life.

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12y ago

Europa is one of the four large moons of planet Jupiter.

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Can people survive on Europa?

I assume you mean on the moon Europa. Not without special equipment.

Which planet is Europa the moon from?

Europa is Jupiters moon.

What makes Europa Special?

Jupiters moon, Europa, is special as it is thought to have a huge layer of water under its crust. This water may be able to support simple life forms if the conditions are right.

Which planet has a moon called Europa?

Jupiter is the planet with the moon Europa

Is Europa a planet or a moon or a dwarf planet?

Europa is a moon of Jupiter.

Is Europa Jupiters moon a star?

Obviously not, Europa is a moon, not a star.

Which planet have a moon name Europa?

europa is Jupiter's moon. Jupiter has 4 moons, and Europa is one of them.

Where is Europa in the solar system?

Europa is a moon of the planet Jupiter.Europa is a moon of the planet Jupiter.Europa is a moon of the planet Jupiter.Europa is a moon of the planet Jupiter.

Is Europa a planet in our solar system?

No, europa is a moon

Which planet does europa belong to?

Europa is a Moon of Jupiter.

How many satlelites does the moon Europa have?

a sattelite is a moon so therefore Europa doesnt have any moons because it is a moon.

How do you see Europa the moon?

You will have to use a telescope to see Europa.