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It's called a Lunar Eclipse or Solar Eclipse!

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Q: What is sunlight reflected from the earth to the moon and back called?
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What happens to the sunlight that hits the surface of the Earth?

Sunlight that hits the Earth's surface is absorbed by the Earth. It is then reflected back.

Does all sunlight energy stay on Earth?

Sunlight also gets reflected back out into space.

What is earthlight?

Earthlight is actually sunlight that is reflected back into space from the earth - in the same way that moonlight is the sun's light reflected from the moon.

What fraction of the sunlight that reaches earth is reflected back into space?

One third (1/3) of the sun's light is reflected back into space.(Source: NASA. See the related question below.)

What happens to sunlight hits earth surface?

It gets absorbed by the surface, reflected, and even radiated back as infrared rays where it is absorbed by the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

The source of the light that causes the moon to shine is?

The Moon doesn't shine at all. This is what bothers me about vampire movies; sunlight kills vampires, but moonlight doesn't affect them. And yet, the Moon is just a giant mirror in the sky reflecting SUNLIGHT back to the Earth! Why wouldn't the vampires all die of the reflected sunlight, that's what I want to know! Anyway, moonlight is simply reflected sunlight.

When the sun light hits the earth what does it do?

About 35% of the light that hits the Earth is reflected away immediately, back into space. The remainder of the light hits the Earth. Some of it is absorbed or scattered in the atmosphere, and much of it reaches the surface as light. Sunlight that is absorbed by the surface heats the Earth.

What happens to sunlight that hits earth's surface?

There are two general possibilities - depending upon several types of conditions -, it will be either reflected or absorbed.

What happens to most of the sunlight that reaches Earth?

About 50% is absorbed by Earth's surface, about 25% is reflected by clouds, dust, and gases in the atmosphere, about 20% is absorbed by gases and particles in the atmosphere and about 5% is reflected by the surface back into the atmosphere. Also some absorbed energy is radiated back into the atmosphere.

What is the sun's energy reflected into?

Solar energy reflected by clouds (20%) and the earth's surface (4%) is all reflected back into space.

How do bio-gases cause -by contributing to- the green house effect?

The same can be said for all green-house-gases - they reduce the amount of incident [upon the Earth] Sunlight that is reflected 'back' into Space.

What layer of the earth's atmosphere where the radio communication are reflected back to the earth?

I believe it is the Ionosphere.