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IO - with over 400 active volcanoes.

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Q: What is the Volcanic Galilean Moon of Jupiter?
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Related questions

Is Deimos a Galilean moon?

No. It is a moon of Mars. The Galilean moons are moons of Jupiter.

What planet has the galilean moon?


Is charon a galilean moon?

Charon is a moon of Pluto. [See related question] To be a Galilean moon you have to be one of the four major moons of Jupiter.

What is Jupiters volcanic moon?

Jupiter's Volcanic moon is Io.

What is the name of the innermost moon of Jupiter?

The innermost Galilean moon is Io. It's a veritable volcano in space, being stressed by Jupiter's tidal forces.Comment : I think the innermost moon (not just of the Galilean moons) is Metis.

I am one of the four large objects that orbits Jupiter?

Galilean moon

What is the average time it takes a Galilean moon to orbit the sun?

Galilean moons orbit Jupiter. Jupiter tugs them around the sun once every 12 years.

Io is a moon of?

Jupiter. It's one of the Galilean satellites, discovered in 1609.

What moon of Jupiter is the most volcanic?

The moon Io.

What is the order of io to Jupiter?

IO is the fifth moon of Jupiter in terms of distance from Jupitert and the primary of the Galilean moons.

Is Ganymede a volcano?

No Ganymede is not a volcano. It is a moon of Jupiter. Io is the volcanic moon of Jupiter.

Who was the person to discovered the largest moon on Jupiter?

Galileo discovered Jupiter's 4 largest moons, the Galilean moons. The largest moon's name is Ganymede.