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Q: What is the average sunspot cycle in years?
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How long is the sunspot cycle?

11 years in average.

How many years is the sunspot cycle?

The sunspot cycle is about 11 years in length.

How long is the average sunspot cycle?

The average length of the sunspot cycle is 11 years. Some cycles are double peaked, which makes it difficult to determine when one ends and when another one begins.

How often is the sunspot cycle?

About 11 years on average - but there are large variations in the length of individual cycles. Once each sunspot cycle, the magnetic field on the Sun reverts - so the real (underlying) cycle is about 22 years. (It takes two sunspot cycles for the magnetic field to go back to the original position.)

How much time passes between two successive sunspot minima?

On average, each sunspot cycle takes about 11 years. Some are longer, and some shorter.

The duration of the sunspot cycle is approximately?

Every 11 years. The entire solar magnetic cycle takes about 22 years; twice in this cycle there is a sunspot maximum.

Which solar phenomenon appears in 10- to 12- year cycles?

The sunspot cycle is about 11 years long. This can vary somewhat; the current cycle has had an extended minimum with very few sunspots for about 3 years, and even now the sunspot numbers are very low for this point in the cycle.

How often does the sunspot cycle repeat itself?

every 11 years

What is is the sunspot cycle? The definition for sunspot cycle is "the recurring increase and decrease in the number of sunspots over a period averaging about eleven years."

What is a solar cycle and how long is one solar cycle?

The amount of magnetic flux that rises up to the Sun's surface varies with time in a cycle called the solar cycle. This cycle lasts 11 years on average. This cycle is sometimes referred to as the sunspot cycle.

Why do they say that the solar cycle is 22 years long?

The most obvious solar cycle the sunspot cycle, of roughly 11 years (on average - the length of an actual cycle may vary). Once in every sunspot cycle, the Sun's magnetic field reverses (north become south, and south becomes north), so a full cycle (for north to be back where it started) is twice the sunspot cycle.

What are sunspot maximums and sunspot minimums?

Sunspot maximum and sunspot minimum are the points in time (roughly 6 years apart) when the sun is producing the most, or the least sunspots. In the past this has been measured both by sunspot area and sunspot count and is directly tied to the solar magnetic cycle.