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you can use plastic, thick paper, etc. It is always best to keep the rocket light!

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What materials do you need to build a water rocket?

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12y ago

There are two materials that i have ever seen a rocket made out of they are...wood and steel.Steel is medal

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Q: What is the best material to make fins of a rocket?
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Related questions

If you where making a rocket what would you make the fins out of?

Wood or plastic.

Would having more fins on a bottle rocket be better?

Fins are used to help keep a rocket stable. The only way to find out if more fins will make it more stable is by testing it.

Which system would be best for keeping your rocket in the air the longest?

To keep your rocket in the air for long, use larger fins at the tail end.ANS 2 - Fins don't make the slightest difference to flight time. -You need a longer burning motor.

How do you make a straw rocket go farther?

you put fins on the rockets

How do you make a bottle rocket spin?

Angle the fins so it spins, like a screwdriver

What difference does it make to where the fins are located?

because if thay are in the wrong place the rocket will not be stable

The best bottle rocket fin material?

There are several materials you can use. Plastic assignment folders make an excellent fin because they are light weight and more durable than paper. Corriflute (Correx) is also a great material as it to is sturdy. (i am assuming you are building a 2 liter water bottle rocket) Avoid using paper and card board as the water can damage the fins making them anti-productive.

What happens if you launch a model rocket with no fins?

It Can Cause The Rocket To Spin Out, and/or wobble of course

How big must fins be to make a rocket stable?

the rockets on the fin are over 50 feet long and this so the rocket will be stable during flight

Why doesn't the rocket go sideways?

Because the fins and motor thrust make it go up, if aimed up.

How do you think your bottle rocket will fly?

by water being placed into the bottle and then, when you launch your rocket, the rocket will spin (if it has at least 2 fins) and the water will spurt out and make the rocket go higher in the air. (Tip:the more it spins,the higher it will fly)

How do you choose the right fin sizes for model rocket?

You do this through experimenting with your rockets. Larger fins make their flight more stable, but slow them down a little. Very small fins make them fast, but often too unstable so they spin and corkscrew. So you aim for something in between, that suits your rocket and the motor.