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The size of your nose would be the right size for a large nosecone

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12y ago

Well if you are using the standard 1 litre bottles, it should be the diameter of the bottle, and about 10cm tall.

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Q: What is the best nosecone size for a rocket?
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What does the nosecone of a rocket do?

The nosecone section of a rocket is used to cut down the wind resistance whilst passing through the atmosphere.

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Why is a nosecone needed for a rocket?

To reduce drag while passing through the atmosphere.

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What is the best fin size for a 2 liter bottle rocket?

There does not appear to be a "best" size. It depends on a number of factors, to include the bottle used (brand of drink & manufacturer), type of rocket, distance aiming for. One common element to consider is drag. Larger fins have greater surface and mass which will directly affect the altitude your rocket can reach.

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Saturn 5 was the best rocket.

What difference does the size and shape of the nosecone make?

It's a question of air resistance - too much and you burn up, too little and you don't slow down enough.

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The size of fins affects the stability and angle, small fins are best.

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Saturn V WAS the best rocket launcher.

What is recovery wadding?

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Saturn 5 was the best rocket.