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Wings are totally useless in space. The only reason the Shuttle had wings was so it could land back on earth. It used very smallrockets to maneuver in space.

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Q: What is the best wing shape for a rocket?
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What is the best wing shape for a airplane?

The best wing shape for sn airplane is like a triangle because it fly straight

What is the best shape for a rocket and why?

The best shape of a rocket is a cylinder with a cone at the top, because that form penetrates easily trough the wind!

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the best fins for a bottle rocket is having four fins located at the bottom of your bottle rocket the shape of long triangles ! ! ! :) hope it helps !

What is the best wing shape of a toy rocket?

This depends on many things, it varies with the agle you are goint to shoot it with and the funktion of the rocket (length, stability, perhaps returning to the shooter) Assuming your rocket is to be launched straight up in the air the wings is only a mean of stabilizing it. For this kind of rocket the wings should be hard and has as little resistance as possible The shape should be like the triangular ones you see in the movies and you should use about 3 or 4 of them hope this helps:)

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a wings on top must be in curved shape and same on bottom also

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A flying bird's wing is in the shape of an airfoil.

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Delta wings and sweep back wings are preferred respectively.

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Does a sparrow have any special adaptations for flight?

Yes, for example the tail shape or the wing shape.

What is the best shape for a rocket?

The best shape for a rocket is a cylinder, or tube, whose height is 10-20 times its diameter. Multiple cap designs are used, from simple conic to complex obloid to the strange areospike, all have various drag coefficients and specific uses.