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The core of the sun is made up of very dense and very hot gases that are in the plasmic state. The core is considered to be the hottest part of the sun and the hottest area within the entire solar system.

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9y ago

The core of the sun is made of iron. As the sun continues to burn, the core will get bigger until the sun eventually dies out.

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What is the sun's iner core made of?

Hydrogen and helium

Is the sun core is made of soild rock?

No, gas

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It is made from the process of nuclear fusion in the core of the sun.

What is the sun's core made up of?

Mainly hydrogen and helium.

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What is sun the star's core made of?

the core of the sun is a seething nuclear furnace where millions of tons of hydrogen are being fused in to helium every second.

Does sun and earth have a core in common?

Both the sun and Earth both have hot cores, but those cores are different. Earth's core is made mostly iron and nickel and consists of a liquid outer core and a solid inner core. Currents in the outer core are the source of Earth's magnetic field. The sun's core, like the rest of the sun, is made mostly of hydrogen and helium. In this core, hydrogen atoms fuse together to form helium, releasing enormous amounts of energy in the process.

Is the sun made out of core?

No, it is formed by fusion of hydrogen and helium molecules.

Where is the Sun's core?

The core just means the centre. Therefore, the core of the Sun is in the centre of the Sun.

Is the Sun's core its hottest point?

the sun's core is the hottest part of the sun