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At its furthest (aphelion) 0.467 AU and at its nearest (perihelion) 0.307 AU.

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Q: What is the distance in Au between the sun and mercury which is km from the sun?
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What is the distance between the sun and mercury in au?

Mercury's Astronomical units is .39 rounded off or if you want to be semi precise it would be .3870320856

How much AU is mercury?

0.387 is the average distance from the Sun to Mercury in AU. Note: AU=astronomical unit

What is the distance in Au from the sun to mercury?

os 1000000000

What is the farthest distance earth can be from mercury?

The largest distance between Earth and Mercury is when they are at opposite ends of the Sun. So the farthest they can be is 0.38+1 = 1.38 AU.

Which planet is 0.38 Au from the sun?

Mercury averages around this distance from the sun.

How many AU is Mercury?

On the average, one. The astronomical unit is the distance from the sun to the earth. Since Mercury is inside earth's orbit and the distance between Earth and Mercury can vary by the full width of Mercury's orbit around the sun, the average is the distance between the Earth and the sun.

What is a distance between the Earth and Mercury in AU?

About 92 AU on average.

Is the distance from the Sun to Mercury constant?

No. At Aphelion (furthest distance) it is 69,816,900 km or 0.467 AU from the sun. At perihelion (nearest) it is 46,001,200 km or 0.387 AU from the sun.

How many astronomical units is the sun from Mercury?

Aphelion: 0.466697 AUPerihelion: 0.307499 AUMean: 0.387098 AU

Distance between sun and earth in au?

One AU

An AU is the average distance between?

An Astronomical Unit (AU) is the average distance between the Earth and the Sun.

How far is that distance from mercury to Venus'?

The average distance between Earth and Mercury is 0.62 au. Subtract the Venus to Earth distance (0.27 au). This gives the distance between Mercury and Venus (on average): 0.35 au (astronomical units). Comment: that's not really the average distance it's the smallest distance.