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Stars more than about 3 times the mass of the sun are likely to wind up as neutron stars. Stars more than about 10 times the mass of the sun will probably end up as black holes.

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Q: What is the final stage for stars whose final masses are greater than three times the mass of the sun?
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What group of stars represent the final observed stage of stars with masses similar to your sun?

White dwarf stars.

How does a white dwarf differ from a black hole?

A white dwarf is the last stage of stellar evolution for stars with masses similar to our Sun. A black hole, on the other hand, is the last stage of stellar evolution for stars having very large masses, many times greater than that of the Sun. Consequently, very few stars end up as black holes. Additionally, black holes have an escape velocity greater than the speed of light, while a white dwarf's escape velocity is less than the speed of light.

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There are no stars with a mass greater than 100M because they cannot be sustained. Stars this size usually explode in a supernova or suddenly collapse.

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In the interior of certain massive stars.

What groups of stars represent the final observed stages of stars with masses similar to the sun?

Obviously I can't see "the following groups", but the answer must be "white dwarfs".

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Stars with a mass about 9 solar masses, or greater, will explode as a type II supernova.

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They are attracted to one another by gravity, which is not affected by electrical charge. Gravity is an attractive force that occurs between all objects with mass. You don't have positive and negative masses that attract and repel. The greater the mass, the greater the attraction. Second, the stars do not all have the same mass. The masses of stars vary considerably.

What is the life cycle of a high-mass star?

For HIGH mass stars- 1. the hydrogen in the core burns until only helium is left. 2. Then the core contracts, while the outer layers expand. 3. It expands into the red-giant stage and 4. then to the super-giant stage. 5. It will finally die in a supernova explosion, 6. leaving behind a white dwarf (if its final mass is less than 1.4 solar masses), a neutron star (if the final mass is between 1.4 and 3 solar masses) or a black hole (if the final mass is more than 3 times that of the Sun).

What are Binary stars used to determine?

The masses of the two stars.

The final stage in the evolution of the most massive stars is an?

Multi-rehab memberships, and a very violent and painful return to mediocrity

What is a stars mass?

This is too broad. All stars have different masses.