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The gravity on Jupiter is 2.5 greater than the gravity on Earth. The gravity is so great because of Jupiter's enormous size, which increases its gravitational force.

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Q: What is the gravititional pull on the planet Jupiter like?
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When bigger bodies like Jupiter is attracted by sun's gravity why smaller bodies like moons are not attracted by sun?

As far as I know, it's because the gravitational pull of the planet they are close to. They are closer to the planet; therefore the pull is greater to the planet.

On which planet would you have the most BMI?

Jupiter because it has the biggest gravitational pull meaning that you would weigh something like 1000 lb.

Why is Jupiter the hardest planet to take off from if your in a spaceship?

Jupiter has 2.5x Earths gravity, so it will be very hard to fly out of Jupiter from the strong gravitational pull.

What planet exerts the greatest gravatational pull?

Jupiter, being that largest planet with the highest mass, has the largest gravitational pull of any planet in our solar system. However the planet with the largest gravitational pull known to man outside our solar system is HAT-P-2b in the Hercules constellation, it is 1.8 the size of Jupiter and 8.2 the mass of Jupiter.

Which planet has the greatest pull of gravity?

Jupiter (out of all the planets within our solar system.)

Is Jupiter's gravitational pull stronger than any other planet?

yes, it is the largest

Which planet holds many asteroids within its gravitational pull?

Jupiter has over 6000!

Which planet has the highest gravity at its surafce?

Jupiter has the greatest gravitational pull, if you weigh 100lbs on Earth, you would weigh 253lbs on Jupiter.

Which planet has the strongest gravity and why?

The planet with the strongest gravitational attraction in our galaxy at its surface is Jupiter.

Which planet more than dubiles your weight?

Everything on Jupiter weighs more than twice as much as on Earth. This means that Jupiter has a gravitational pull that is more than twice that of the gravitational pull on Earth.

Explained simply how the moons stay in orbit around Jupiter?

The moons stay in orbit around Jupiter due to the gravitational pull of the planet. As of June 2014, Jupiter has 63 known moons.