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The force of universal gravitation and momentum.

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Q: What is the main force that keeps planets in orbit around the Sun?
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Related questions

Who determined the force that kept planets in orbit?

It was Isaac Newton who figured out that the force of gravity keeps planets in orbit around the sun.

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Why do the planets resolve above the sun?

The suns huge gravitational force keeps the planets in an orbit around it.

What is the force that keeps planet in orbit?

the suns gravity keeps the planets in orbit

What major force keeps the planets and everything in the solar system in orbit around the sun?


What is the unbalanced centripetal force that keeps planets in orbit around the sun?

The gravitational attraction by the Sun.

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What force from the sun keeps the planets in their orbit?


What keeps the planets in the solar system in orbit around the sun?

The Sun's strong gravity keeps all the planets in orbit around it.

What keeps the planets and sun in orbit?

The question probably means "What keeps the planets in orbit around the Sun?" The answer to that is : The Sun's gravitational attraction provides the force needed to keep the planets in orbit. This force doesn't pull the planets any closer to the Sun, but it stops the planets moving away (at a tangent to their orbits) due to their own velocities.

What forces act to hold a planet in orbit around the sun?

Gravity is the force that holds a planet in orbit around the sun. Inertia keeps the planets spinning.

A force that keeps planets in orbit?

Centripetal Force.That force is, of course, supplied by gravitional force.