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/The Outer Core

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Q: What is the only one molten metallic interior Earth shell?
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How is the energy from the sun reflected by the atmosphere?

The Suns rays reflect of the Earth, then off the outer shell of the atmosphere, temporarily trapping sunlight and heat.

Why gravitational force reduces towards the centre of earth?

The force of gravity on you is zero anywhere inside a homogeneous spherical shellof mass. Because for every speck of mass in the shell toward which you're attracted,there's enough mass elsewhere in the shell, arranged in the right shape, to attract youwith an equal force in exactly the oppositedirection.If you're below the Earth's surface, everything outside of where you are comprisesa spherical shell, and the acceleration of gravity at any radius inside the Earth is theresult of the smaller sphere that's inside that radius, as if the rest didn't exist.So as you descend into the Earth, the acceleration of gravity where you arecontinuously decreases.That's kind of satisfying in a way . . . The highest value for the acceleration ofgravity associated with a planet is what you encounter on the surface, and itdecreases if you either rise off of the surface or descend below it.

Which planet's atmosphere most resembles to Earth's?

VenusVenus is sometimes regarded as Earth's sister planet. In some ways they are very similar:Venus is only slightly smaller than Earth (95% of Earth's diameter, 80% of Earth's mass).Both have few craters indicating relatively young surfaces.Their densities and chemical compositions are similar.Because of these similarities, it was thought that below its dense clouds Venus might be very Earthlike and might even have life. But, unfortunately, more detailed study of Venus reveals that in many important ways it is radically different from Earth. It may be the least hospitable place for life in the solar system.MarsAlthough Venus has a close elemental similarity, Mars has the closest physical structure, as it has retained usable gaseous carbon dioxide and liquid water. However, just as Venus has an atmosphere that is too dense, Mars is conversely too small to provide suitable atmospheric density.TitanSaturn's largest moon has an atmosphere that is analogous to Earth's, but much colder. It has nitrogen, oxygen, and some water. However, the thick atmosphere is so cold that water is always solid ice. Methane is instead the compound that exists as a gas, liquid, or frozen solid.

What do you call lots of tiny little pieces of stone and shell mixed up?

Sand is lots of tiny little pieces of stone and shell mixed up

What are the five characters that have special meaning to the shell?

In shell scripting (for example, Unix C Shell or Bourne Shell programming), some characters have special meaning to the shell, and can't be gracefully employed in text strings without 'escaping' them (preceding them with a backslash (\) to prevent the shell from reading them as commands. There might be much dispute over which five it is to which this question refers. These are the *backslash (escape) \ *pipe (joins two commands) | *dollar sign (specifies a variable) $ ampersand ('and' sign, joins commands) & exclamation point (wildcard) ! asterisk (wildcard) * *pound sign (comment only - do not run) # *semicolon (begin new line/command) ;

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Outter shell of a stars interior?

Molten Iron. Iron at the center and silicone at the next layer.

Is the asthenosphere the partially molten layer of the earth's core?

The asthenosphere is partially molten; however, it is an interior layer which is separate from the Earth's inner and outer core. In fact, the asthenosphere is located directly under the lithosphere (the brittle outer shell of Earth), extending only a few hundred miles down from the surface.

Is the asthenosphere the partially molten layer of earths core?

The asthenosphere is partially molten; however, it is an interior layer which is separate from the Earth's inner and outer core. In fact, the asthenosphere is located directly under the lithosphere (the brittle outer shell of Earth), extending only a few hundred miles down from the surface.

Is a sea turtle have a interior shell?

A sea turtle has an external shell.

Is metallic characters of Germinium and Galiium are same?

No, Gallium has more metallic character due to presence of 3 electrons in valence shell while Germanium has half filled valence shell.

What is stiffer mantle?

The stiffer mantle or lower mantle is one of the three layers of the earth's interior. It is a solid, rocky shell that extends to a depth of 2890 km.

What is the earth's outer shell?

The Earth's Outer shell is the crust

Which of earths layer would be best modeled as a metallic sphere?

The core.

What is Earth's mantel?

The interior of Earth, similar to the other terrestrial planets, is chemically divided into layers. The mantle is a layer between the crust and the outer core. Earth's mantle is a silicate rocky shell about 2,900 kilometres (1,800 mi) thick that constitutes about 84% of Earth's volume.

Is a shell an igneous rock?

No. Igneous means formed from molten rock- and a shell was made by a living creature- not by fire. Shells can form sedimentary rocks, such as limestone.

Can you mix interior semi gloss paint with interior egg shell paint?

No and yes it depends

Is egg shell white a standard interior paint?

No eggshell is a reference to sheen purportedly to look like the shell of an egg not a color Also there is no standard interior paint eggshell is a common sheen as is satin for interior color is the choice of the one who will accept it