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The Corona

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4w ago

During a solar eclipse, the only part of the Sun that can be seen is its outer atmosphere, known as the corona. This is because the Moon blocks out the Sun's bright surface, allowing the fainter corona to be visible.

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Q: What is the only part of the sun that can be seen during an eclipse?
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Related questions

What is only seen during a total eclipse?

Darkness or a corona

What part of the sun looks like a halo and can usually be seen during a solar eclipse?


Which layer of the sun can only be seen during an eclipse?

I guess you mean only during a total eclipse of the Sun. At that time we can see the chromosphere and the corona. The outermost layer is the corona.

What part of the sun is seen during a solar eclipse?

The corona.

What features are seen on the moon during a solar eclipse?

Nothing at all; during a solar eclipse, the Moon blocks the Sun and is seen in silhouette.

What is a different about a lunar eclipse and a solar eclipse?

A lunar eclipse is where the moon passes behind the Earth. It is only visual during the night when the moon can be seen. Hence, it will always be a full moon. The moon will have an orange-red color, due to the refraction from the sun. The next lunar eclipse will be in December 2010. A solar eclipse is where the moon passes between the Sun and the Earth. During a partial solar eclipse, only parts of the sun are out of view from Earth, but during a total solar eclipse, the sun is fully blocked; however, solar eclipses are rare and can only be seen from certain places during certain times. The next solar eclipse will be in 2012.

Why can't the moon be seen during a solar eclipse?

the moon can be seen during a solar eclipse it's during a lunar eclipse you can not always see the moon. Because it travels through the shadow cast by the Earth

What part of the moon is seen during full moon?

Only half part of the moon is seen during full moon.

How do you know when a solar eclipse comes?

You know because during a solar eclipse, at least part of the sun is covered by the moon, and seems to disappear as seen from your location. The sun may appear as anything from a fat cashew ... only a small part of it missing ... to a black disk surrounded by a ring of fire.

How much of the partial eclipse on Jan 2011 will be seen from the UK?

Very little, and only in the southeastern part of England.

What is the difference between a solareclipse and a lunar eclipse?

a solar eclipse only happens at day and blocks the sun only the outer part of the sun is shown. a lunar eclipse only happens at night and the sun does not light the moon so the it isn't seen at night

Which type of eclipse is seen frequently?

A partial lunar eclipse is the most common type of eclipse seen as it occurs more frequently than total lunar eclipses. During a partial lunar eclipse, only a portion of the Moon passes through Earth's umbral shadow, creating a shaded effect.