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Mars takes about 687 Earth days to orbit the Sun once.

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Q: What is the time taken by MARS to complete an orbit around the sun?
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How many planets orbit around Mars?

No planets orbit around Mars. There are two moons that orbit around Mars.

Does Mars Orbit Around the Earth?

No, Mars does not orbit around the Earth. The moon orbits around around the Earth. Both Earth and Mars orbit around the sun, but Mars is farther away from the sun.

How many years does Mars takes to orbit the sun?

About 2 yrs. The orbit of Mars is about twice that of Earth's. == == Do you mean "how long does it take Mars to orbit the sun?" if so, 687 Earth days. Mars orbits 227 million kilometers away from the sun.

How many years does mars take to complete an orbit around the sun?

1 year and 322 days

What is the orbit time for mars to revolve around the sun?

It takes about 88 earth days to make one complete rotation around the sun.

What path does Mars have around the sun?

the path mars has around the sun is an orbit

How long does it take mars to orbit around the sunin years?

It takes Mars 1.9 Earth years to orbit around the Sun.

How long is the orbit around the sun for mars?

It takes Mars 687 days to orbit around the sun.

Does Mars have an orbit?

Yes, around the sun.

Do stars orbit around mars?

No. Mars is a planet and thus much smaller than any star. Stars cannot orbit planets. However, Mars does orbit the sun, which is a star.

What is the time taken to complete 1 revolution by mars?

The length of a single revolution around the Sun for Mars is about 686.98 Earth days.

How many miles does mars travel around the sun?

889,972,909 miles, based on its average orbital speed and the time taken for one orbit.