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Q: What kind of animal did the US first send to space?
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What kind of animal ham did the us first send into space?


What kind of animal name Ham did the US first send into space?


What kind of animal named ham did the US first send to space?

it was a Chimpanzee

Animal did the us first send into space?

It was fruit flies.

What kind of mammal did the Americans first send into space?

The first US space animal was a rhesus monkey, Albert II, on June 14, 1949. Later tests in 1950 used mice.

Why did scientists send the first animal in space?

To see how the environment and the launch would affect it.

Was the US the first to launch into space?

No. The USSR was the first to launch any kind of space craft with the launch of "Sputnik 1" in 1957. The US was the first to send a man to the moon in 1969 with the Apollo 11 mission

Who is first to send satellites in space?

the first people/ nation to send some form of satellite into space is the russians with thesputnik 1

Was russia or US first to send three into space?

Russia was the first in space where they went around the earth a few times but USA was the first on the moon. The first to send three into space though, was the USA.

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What kind of fish does NASA send to space?

A bass-tronaut! (Get It? astronaut)