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Law of gravity...gravitational pull

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Q: What natural law did Newton use to explain the movement of objects on Earth and in space?
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Who founded the earth gravity?

No one 'founded' gravity. On earth or elsewhere. Gravity is a physical attribute of the universe in general. The first to explain the relationship of gravity to the universe in cogent and mathematically provable ways was Sir Isaac Newton.

Who believed that forces keep moons orbiting planets and planets orbiting the sun?

Newton- he created the law of universal gravitation, which states that all objects in the universe have gravity.

How did Newton's theories explain why planets orbit the sun and why moons orbit planets?

Newton's theories of gravity and the laws of motion, with the differential calculus he also invented (Leibnitz did the same in Germany), explained why the planets and other objects obey Kepler's laws of planetary motion, which were deduced from observations. It happens because of the Sun's gravity, an inverse-square force (which means that the force reduces with the square of the distance). Newton showed that a central force of this type produces an orbit exactly as Kepler had described many years before. Different planets at different distances, with a range of different initial conditions, take up a family of orbits that all follow the same theory.

Why is Isaasc newton discovery gravity important?

Isaac Newton did not discover gravity. Practically everybody already knew that when you let go of something in your hand, it falls to the ground, and nobody paid any attention to the few who didn't know it. What Isaac Newton did was explain exactly how it works, with numbers. With that simple new knowledge, it was possible to explain how and why the moon revolves around the Earth, how the planets and comets revolve around the sun, and how to launch spacecraft that can carry people to the moon, land cameras on Mars, sail probes out of the solar system, and hang satellites up in the sky that can bring you 900 TV channels that have nothing on. Of course, if none of that is useful or interesting to you, then Newton's discovery wasn't important.

Who developed a theory about the effect of gravity?

Isaac newton

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Who studied the forces and the motion of objects and showed that mathematics can be used to explain much about our Universe?

Isaac Newton

What scientists contributed the most to your understanding of the force of gravity and the movement of objects?

Isaac Newton contributed the most.

Who studied forces and the motion of objects and showed that mathematics can be used to explain much about your universe?

The first person to do this was Isaac Newton.

Did Isaac newton formulated four laws of gravity and motion that explain how different forces acts on objects?

No. He formulated only three laws.

How could a scientific theory be changed?

Scientific theories are made to explain phenomena. Newton made his laws of motion to explain what he observed in the behavior of accelerating objects. When his law failed to explain the motion of very massive objects in situations of very large forces and speeds (such as the orbit of Mercury about the sun) the theory had to be modified slightly to explain the discrepancies. In this case this was done by Einstein's correction due to special relativity. The correction for the orbit of Mecury amounts to a movement of 0.5 seconds of arc per year in the nodes of the orbit.

How is Newton's law of gravity related to the movement of the planets?

How is Newton's law of gravity related to the movement of the planets?

What objects can represent Isaac Newton?


What can you say about the inertia of objects of equal masses?

Newton's conception of inertia stood in direct opposition to more popular conceptions about motion. The dominant thought prior to Newton's day was that it was the natural tendency of objects to come to a rest position. Moving objects, so it was believed, would eventually stop moving; a force was necessary to keep an object moving. But if left to itself, a moving object would eventually come to rest and an object at rest would stay at rest; thus, the idea that dominated people's thinking for nearly 2000 years prior to Newton was that it was the natural tendency of all objects to assume a rest position.

What was Aristotle's view of gravity?

Aristotle did not have a concept of gravity as we understand it today. He believed that objects fell to the Earth because it was their natural place, based on their elemental composition. This idea of natural motion was different from the concept of gravitational attraction developed later by Isaac Newton.

When two objects collide the momentum of the pair after the collision is explain by which of newton's law?

Newton's Third Law. Newton's Laws are the Conservation of Energy. Conservation of Energy indicates the sum of the forces is zero. This condition force is zero; 0 = F= dP/dt =0 means P, Momentum is constant or conservation of Momentum..

What does the Newton atomic structure explain?

Any link between Newton and the atomic structure.