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Q: What planet Mercury Venus or Mars is most likely able to support life now or in the past?
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What planet Mercury Venus or Mars is most likely to support life now or in the past?


Which planet is most likely to have acid rain Venus Mercury Mars Uranus?


If you lived on Venus what can harm you?

Most likely the heat, it is the hottest planet. Not even Mercury is as hot as Venus.

What is the next planet after mars?

When considering distance from the sun, the planet that come after Mercury is Venus.

Why is Venus farther from the sun than Mercury?

Venus is the 2nd planet. Mercury is the 1st planet.

What planet is the closet to Mercury?


Is Mercury another name for Venus's?

No, Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, and Venus is the second planet from the sun.

Does Planet Mercury and Planet Venus have rings?

No, they do not.

What is the planet after mercury?


Planet that has no moons?

The planets in our solar system that do not have any moons are Mercury and Venus.

What is the planets closest to mercury?

The closest planet to mercury is Venus.

Is mars an inner planet or a outer planet?

Mars is an inner planet, as is Mercury, Venus, and Earth.