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That is the planet Jupiter. The black spot was created recently when a asteroid collided with it. Jupiter has a Great Red Spot created through storms. No planet has a black spot

no mars has a giant red spot and Mercury has the black spot

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Q: What planet has a black spot on it when looking through a telescope?
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How come whenever you look through your telescope it's pitch black?

Your telescope will not be directly pointing at an object, and since the night sky is black, your view will be black!

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Click to the right or left (in the black area) you should see an arrow when you hover over a certain spot.

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Galileo discovered that the planet Venus has phases (like the moon); he saw that the Moon had craters and mountains; and that the Sun had moving black spots on its face; and four new moons circling the planet Jupiter. His biggest achievement though, was that the Earth rotates the Sun.

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No one has "seen a black hole" but evidence of where a black hole must be has been observed.

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no detail on the fly, as (depending on the design) an astronomical telescope has trouble focusing any closer than about 8 metres, let alone an object actually on the objective lens. I imagine the view would be tarnished by a black smudge in the Field of view.

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The Hubble Space Telescope did not fly through any black holes, as there are none in our solar system. If it did fly into a black hole it would have been crushed by gravitational pressure

What will you see in space?

When in space and looking out, the observer will see a lot of black. Light will come from stars and galaxies, and will be reflected from planets or other bodies around, but the rest of the "sky" will be black. Light will arrive at the observers position without being scattered by atmosphere. Dust and some gas can appear to glow when looked at through a telescope, but to the naked eye, it's really black out there.

How many lenses are in a 4 black telescope?

I don't know what a "4 black telescope" is. You'd have to be more specific and at least give a manufacturer and model number.

What do you need to find through the telescope in astroknights on poptropica?

In Astro-Knights on Poptropica, you need to find the coordinates of three planets: Silan, Arturus, and the jungle planet. These coordinates are crucial for solving the puzzle and progressing through the game.

We were looking at Venus through binoculars and it seemed to be rotating and you could see black holes then really bright lights all over?

With binoculars, Venus would look like a very bright object. To see more detail, such as dark sports, you would really need a telescope.

Can black holes move to a different location?

Yes, they can move through space just like a planet or star.

How far is Hubble telescope from the black hole?

Idont know