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Venus has a runaway greenhouse affect because its atmosphere is extremely thick, and therefore retains heat well. The average temperature on the surface is about 460 degrees Celsius.

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Q: What planet has the hottest atmosphere?
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What planet is the hottest because of the thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide?


What two planets are hottest and why?

Venus is one of the hottest planets because its temperture is in the eight hundreds.

What makes Mercury the hottest planet?

Although Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, it is only the second hottest planet after Venus. Venus gets hotter as the thick carbon Dioxide atmosphere holds the heat more effectively, while Mercury has no atmosphere.

Which planet closest to the sun and why isn't it the hottest planet?

Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, but is only the second hottest planet after Venus. Venus gets hotter as the thick carbon dioxide atmosphere holds the heat more effectively, while Mercury has no atmosphere to hold the heat.

What is the hottest terrestrial planet?

Venus is the hottest terrestrial planet, and hottest overall. It thick carbon Dioxide atmosphere holds the heat effectively. Surface temperatures on Venus average 735 Kelvin or 460 °C. Mercury is closer to the sun, but it has no atmosphere to hold the heat in.

Why is mercury the hottest during the day and Pluto the coldest planet in the solar system?

Actually Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system because of it's thick atmosphere that taps the heat below the atmosphere. Pluto is the coldest planet because it is the farthest away from the sun.

What was the hottest planet of all?

In our solar system, the hottest planet is Venus. Even though the planet is second-closest to the sun, Venus' atmosphere holds in a lot of the heat, making it hotter than Mercury.

What planet is that hottest?

Venus is the hottest planet. Its average surface temperature is 464 degrees Celsius. Its atmosphere has thick, pale, yellow clouds of carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid.

What is the hottest planet in milky way galaxy?

It is not known, since we don't know all the planets in the galaxy, but in our solar system Mercury is the hottest planet, since it's closest to the sun. The hottest planet in Milky Way would be some planet closest to the biggest and hottest star there is. that is wrong, venus, due to it's hot surface and acid gases and things like that, make it the hottest planet. Mercury has no atmosphere, and Venus has a large CO2 high pressure atmosphere, hence Venus is hotter than Mercury!

Why isn't mars the hottest planet?

Because it is the fourth planet from the Sun, in the solar system. Mercury is the first, but Venus (second from the Sun) is the hottest planet. That's because of the strong "greenhouse effect " of the atmosphere on Venus.

Do the closest planet to the sun always have the hottest surface temperatures?

No. For example Venus is the second closest planet but is the hottest. This is because it has a thick atmosphere and therefore it holds the heat in more than Mercury (the closest planet) does.